
Best Entrepreneurial Practices With Kevin Modany, Managing Director at Bluerock Partners

A leader who can look at the big picture and see how to get there can be a boon to any business. 2016 Bluerock Partners brought Kevin Modany to work as its Managing Director. The former CEO of ESI Service Corp and a graduate of Robert Morris University, Modany brought a wealth of expertise and experience to the position when he took on the mantle.

Nearly a decade later, Modany is sharing some of the insights and leadership tips he has learned so that other entrepreneurs can follow in his footsteps. Modany understands that all paths are different, but his advice helps anyone, from expert to beginner.

How to Start Your Day Like Kevin Modany

Kevin Modany is an early riser keen to get things going sooner rather than later. When other people are sleeping, Modany is plying away at emails and messages he must respond to. Getting to work before the sun shows up means he has a head start on his day.

Despite his early rise, Modany prefers to do something other than just work in the morning. If he ever feels foggy or clouded in his thought process, Modany likes to step aside to run or spend time at the gym. Getting a clear-headed routine from fitness has helped Modany improve his physical and mental health.

Modany says, “Whenever I’m unfocused or overwhelmed, I go for a run. It’s meditative, helpful for refocusing, and great exercise.”

Staying Organized For Success

Even though Modany likes to keep busy, he also wants to stay organized. Modany is a prolific believer in lists and has used them throughout his life to ensure his needs are met.

Modany says, “I typically create a list, organized by hierarchy, of initiatives and things I’m actively working on. I edit and change that list as things get accomplished or change.”

Kevin Modany believes that the visual nature of the list allows him to break down concepts into smaller goals, creating more tangible outcomes. Modany added, “I find that this helps me to be more productive because it allows me to visually see all of the moving parts, breaking them down into smaller goals and more tangible to-do items.”

Even with his focus on details and preparation, Modany understands that failure is part and parcel of the ultimate entrepreneurial experience. Kevin Modany says, “From each failure, I learned that there are only certain things that you can control. So you have to focus only on the things within your control.”

Modany believes that his long and short view of the work ahead has allowed him to find so much success in his career. Modany says, “I’ve seen the whole picture, from micro to macro, strategically and operationally.”

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